Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Obama slapped

Umm, I think I just got Obama slapped. I was standing in line at Costco, minding my own business, when an older black lady starts reading my shirt. It says "LOL"--the name of a comedy troupe at BYU that my buddy belonged to.

Her: What does LOL mean?
Me: Laugh Out Loud, its the name of a comedy troupe....
Her: Oh.
Me (bewildered): Does it mean something else?
Her: I've seen it on a bumper sticker. The "O" stands for Obama.
Me: (still bewildered): What does it mean?
Her: It's making fun of him. (Pause) Have you followed what he's been doing since he got elected?
Me: (still bewildered but keeping my unorthodox political views to myself): Yeah, I keep up with the news.
Her: I hope you're happy. You put him in office.

--Really awkward silence--

Her: (snidely) Maybe one day you'll see the error of your ways.

The funny thing is, I didn't even vote for Obama.


Taylor said...

WHOA! I totally thought that was Michelle and my universe just bout exploded.

Way to ruin our country andrew by voting for him!

Rileigh said...

Only you Michelle... only you.

Tracy said...

ha ha... I love these awkward stories.... interesting that she didn't even ask you.

Flem said...


1) The likelihood that anyone in LOL at BYU would vote for a democrat is slim so that is kind of ironic.

2) I have never started a political conversation in the checkout line and anyone who does is a crazee.

michelle m said...

Andrew rises from the blogging dust... and makes everyone think I am a conservative.

Dan said...

you're not??