Friday, August 27, 2010

what i did at work today

We said goodbye to Gloria, one of our favorites. In her honor, and to mock our boss, who is always trying to explain our mission of "community building", we developed this number. Enjoy.


krissiecook said...

That is what community building has been missing all along - performance art.

30 year-old Dad said...

When we watched this video, Marielle said "I recognize that one (pointing to Michelle), but she doesn't dance like that at Church."

Rebecca said...

This was even better than I dared hope. Well done.

Debbie Lloyd said...

looks like you girls just gave Ben some more ammo to make fun of you!! ha ha you must take after you father in this video :P your mother is so much more serious and business like ;)

Cheryl said...

I laughed.
Thanks for the good feelings this laughter caused.
The end.