Saturday, January 16, 2010

vital stats

... in honor of Vivian, who uses this style so well.

Our Friendship in Numbers:
Years since we met: 10
Investigator records on which Vivian is listed as "friend": 1 (in possession of author)
Enrichment meetings attended solely because of Vivian: 8
Musicfests attended: 60 (est)
Instances where I wish I lived on Ellwood and not in Garden Court: 730
Epic bean bag misses: 1
Husbands acquired: 2
Fleece spoils of raffle forfeited to Jerry in my presence: 1
Times I have used the "pick me, pick me" strategy in hopes of winning a raffle: 11
Friends or relatives who have stayed in hotel Magnusson: 3 (that I know of)
Masterful Vivian Young Women's lessons watched: 25
"When we have kids, I hope they are like Levi" discussions: 17
Seasons of Arrested Development re-discovered and purchased after Halloween: 3
Times the YW keys were turned in because "I'm moving to New Mexico": 2
Pity parties Rebecca and I threw for ourselves once you really were moving: 5
Time I was referred to as the "New Vivian of the Singles Ward": Priceless

Number of times I have researched universities in New Mexico since Vivian moved: 6... and counting.

We miss you.


Tracy said...

Vivan Rocks!

krissiecook said...

Man, I have not been keeping faithful enough records. Also, I have secretly been hoping parts of the west coast fall into the ocean so that New Mexico will be near enough to the Pacific for Kevin to get a job there. Not the part where you live.

Vivian said...

Oh man, 8 enrichment meetings! That is dedicated friendship.
And I'm glad that you rediscovered AD since halloween.
And I'm glad that our friendship is written down and officially recorded. I'll always remember the day we met.
nice post.

Jerry said...

I like the bean bag show.

Dan said...

I thought I was the only one using the "pick me" strategy!